Teaching, research, workshops

Territorial Mosaic
Winter Workshop, Institute of Architecture, Camilo José Cela University (Madrid, Spain)
|  Workshop Coordinator  |  Research and Teaching assistant  |

Responsible for guiding and assisting a group of students working on the strategies for the urban fabric development, housing typologies and the definition of Green Corridors typology within the existing conditions of the residential area in Auroville

|  Ahmadabad / Auroville, India


︎︎︎ link to the students’ blog

︎︎︎link to the Detailed Development Plan Publication 


India Imprint
Summer Research Program, Centre on Research on Architecture and design, The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia)

|  Workshop Coordinator  |  Research and Teaching assistant  |

Coordinated and guided the work produced by the students on the development framework for the Residential Zone in Auroville

  Auroville, India



Workshop: Community Participation Framework,  Auroville Planning Studio, Queen’s University School of Urban and Regional Planning (Kingston, Canada)  | Mentor  |  Teaching assistant

Responsible for briefing the group of postgraduate students; invited as part of the final presentation critique panel |  in collaboration with Auroville Integral Sustainability Institute |  Auroville, India
︎︎︎link to the students workshop findings

all drawings by Kaja Deleżuch
copyright © 2010-2024 Kaja Deleżuch
all rights reserved